My Productivity Project
Inspired by The Productivity Project by Chris BaileyMethodology: I will try at least 1 experiment or new technique per week, and write a blog post about it.
1 | Habits | Use the habit tracker and follow it for a week | Apply for jobs, improve habit tracker, create habit tracker lesson | Read |
2 | Rule of 3 | Use the rule of 3 through Planda's rule-of-three feature every day | Improve Planda's rule of 3, build a time tracker into Planda, better quick add tasks | |
3 | Time tracking | Use the time tracker to track time spent on tasks for a week. Use the data to improve productivity. | Improve time tracker, build period tracker | |
4 | Productivity reviews | Schedule a 15min productivity planning session every morning or evening. Schedule a weekly review every Friday (as suggested by Laura Mae Martin in her book Uptime) to review the week and plan the next week. |
- Things I want to learn
- How can I quantitatively measure my productivity?
- How does my menstrual cycle affects productivity, and how I can use it to improve and better understand my productivity?
- What is the actual difference in my productivity when I work during my biological prime time vs my down time?
- Should I follow GTD's advice for keeping my calendar sacred, or timebox?
- How can I rest more effectively? What specific activities recharge me best? Can you be productive while resting?
- Experiments to try
- Time tracking
- Use habit tracker
- Brain dump
- Working a 20hr week and a 90hr week
- Try different restful activities, see how well each energizes me. Some options:
- scheduled time for mind wandering
- meditation
- reading the Bible
- listening to audiobooks
- exercise
- Techniques to try/build into Planda
- Salami method
- Timeboxing
- Eat that frog
- Rule of 3
- tada-list
- someday-maybe list
- waiting for list
- Swiss cheese
- Period tracker with productivity tips for each cycle
- Important things I want to get done
- Google Calendar for production Approval
- this has been on my todo list since March, however also requires me spending $7.8 per month for a Google Workspaces account, refilming a Planda video (the part I'm really dreading), and a few other smaller things
- Finish Apple Calendar sync
- Create better way to measure productivity with Planda
- See archived categories
- Create custom lists
- Apply for jobs