Published onDecember 3, 2023Book notes: User Friendly by Cliff Kuang, Robert FabricantbooksI am currently reading User Friendly by Cliff Kuang and Robert Fabricant, and it's made me think a lot about user-friendly design, and how Planda can be improved in that area.
Published onNovember 30, 2023Daylight savings for cronevent-cron-parsertechnicalHow I handled daylight savings for recurring events on Planda.
Published onNovember 30, 2023Handling AWS Crons using Local Dates with EventCronParserevent-cron-parserawstechnicalConvert UTC dates to local dates, and back to UTC for storage and usage on the server-side.
Published onNovember 28, 2023.scrollIntoView() inside iframe causes outside page to scrollcsstechnicalIframes and scrolling